Thursday, July 28, 2011

Choices -My Way or My Way

She Said He Said Evince July 2011
Larry Oldham and Dena Hill

She Said

You can know a person for many years and never
REALLY know them. This is not a profound
statement, just a fact. Last month in Virginia Beach,
while visiting my father, I discovered something
quite by accident that I never realized before.
There is a another way of working you in order to
get my way, I mean for us to agree. We awakened bright
and early on that beautiful Saturday morning and I
asked you to go for a walk around the neighborhood
with me. I carefully avoided the “exercise” word
because of your well-known aversion to physical activity
of any kind. I just mentioned that there may
be a yard sale in the community so why don't we take a
stroll and see if we can find it.

Your propensity for shopping has always made it easy for
me to get you to go anywhere where there is
a chance for you to buy something, so Saturday was fairly easy.

Sunday was the hard day because there were no yard sales
to be found. My question to you on Sunday was simple. I said,
“Do you want to go for a walk or stay in bed?” You just
looked up at me and said “I think I'll just stay here in bed.”
What a revelation! From now on instead of asking you to
do something, I'll just give you a choice. “Do you want to
wash the car or take out the garbage?” “Do you want to make
up the bed or paint the bedroom?” Do you want to go down
stairs and work out or stay upstairs and clean the bathroom?”
If I ask the right question, I'll know that either answer will
work for me. Why didn't I see this before? Life with you
would have been so much easier. “Am I right or am I right?”

He Said

As usual you are right. Come to think about it, you are
always your own mind that is. Listen, I know that
I am not as active as you are. I don't know anyone in this
town, state, or anywhere in the country who is as active as
you are. Keeping that in mind, let's look at your brand new

A new trick in the woman's arsenal of tricks against us
little old defenseless men. I think women in
general have many weapons that they use against us.
Women have been using this one for years; you just
never thought about using it before. I imagine if the truth
were known, I could do everything that you can do except
have a baby. Oh yeah and breast feed. I also forgot that
women have a very natural inclination toward maternal
instincts. Nurturing children could also be considered an
attribute,although men are getting better at this.
All in all, you women do have some creature comforts that men
would have a hard time doing without on a daily basis.
Putting all that aside, let's get to the main point
of our discussion. To trick me or to trick me was the question.
In my way of thinking you don't have to trick me at all. If
you need help with something, just ask me and I'll do it.
Do you see the key word in that statement? Help! When you ask
me if I WANT to do or not do something, that's a whole new
ballgame Right? So the key to dealing with me or any man is
just ask us what we wish to do and we we'll tell you outright.
As for me personally, I think you know the answer to most of your
questions before you ever ask. So the secret is to only ask me
what you know I will do and then as you have stated ….YOU WILL ALWAYS BE RIGHT.