Saturday, June 18, 2011


June, 2011 Evince – Larry Oldham and Dena Hill

She Said,

I ran across the word "loquacious" the other day and
I immediately thought about you. Aren't you excited
that one little word brings you to my most intimate
thoughts? You have quite a following on  Facebook
with all of your sayings and notable quotes. One
lady expounded her love for you and said she enjoys
having coffee with you every morning. I looked
around the kitchen for a hidden camera! Don't worry,
I figured it out. You really do have a lot to say
but when you see me falling asleep while you're talking, 
you should realize that I'm on information overload.
But your voice is soothing to me at night when I can't
sleep which is why I sometimes ask you to tell me a
bedtime story. You describe yourself as being very
opinionated and will offer your thoughts freely,
without even being asked. I know a lot of people who
feel that way resulting in a barrage of unsolicited
information that usually leaves me to defend myself.
So one day, I decided that I, too, am entitled to my
own opinions without having to explain why I feel
the way I do. I'm not a "loquacious" person. I prefer
to keep my thoughts to myself. My aunt ( a teacher)
told me  that after she retired, she stopped voicing
her opinions because no one was interested in them
any more. Maybe I've reached that same plateau. If
anyone wants to know how I feel about something,
they'll ask; otherwise, we can talk about the weather
or Osama Bin Laden. Oops! You didn't ask my opinion
about that situation!

He Said

I ran across the words "untalkative", "reticent",
"restrained", "reserved" the other day after having
to look up the word "loquacious".
Those words would be the antonym to your word which
I think probably describes you to a tee. Don't
get me wrong, if certain people call you on the
phone, I have seen you talk for hours and I do mean
hours. When you sit down to talk to me within two
minutes your eyes are closed and you are sleeping.
That is the reason that every time you ask me to
watch TV with you or go to a movie with you, I know
that I  will see them alone. Within minutes you are
sound asleep. Don't take this as a slight because
you work hard, get up early and put in a good ten
hour day. I understand perfectly your need to sleep
standing up or sitting. I want to make this marriage
work and I believe that communication, dedication
and someone who can make good potato salad is the
secret to a long and prosperous relationship. With
that said I offer you this recommendation. Communication
for us from now on will be when you call me on my
cell phone. I have unlimited minutes and it seems
to me that since you talk to all your other friends
for hours there is no reason why this couldn't work
for us. That seems to be the only way you can stay
awake and I get to talk for hours, keeping the
lines of communication open. Dedication is certainly
important and I see that you spend a lot of time
looking words up in the dictionary just to describe me.
Finally, Potato salad. A woman who cannot satisfy
her man with a good potato salad should probably spend
more time with his mother who makes great potato
salad. I hope I have not hit a nerve here. Since I
am a loquacious person, I just wanted to exercise
my right to inform you of what constitutes a good
marriage. The weather changes daily and Osama is no
longer with us and I learned a new word this month.
Thanks for being a good teacher.

Don't forget to remind me to give you my mother's potato
salad recipe.

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