Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I Know I Should....But

She Said by Dena Hill April 2012 I know I should… but I know how sensitive you can be and I know you can't help it because you're a man. I’ve been thinking recently about some of your problems and this one came to mind: You are full of excuses and even though I can put up with this, I find it hard to deal with your whining all the time. I have come to the conclusion that the problem is you don't realize you're doing it. I've decided, being the kind wife that I am, to gingerly remind you of the little things you could do that would make you a better person. (I could retire if I had a dollar for every time you've said, " I know I should....but.”) 1. I know I should exercise, but… 2. I know I shouldn't drink so many sodas, but.... 3. I know I should help you more around the house, but.... 4. I know I should empty the garbage, but.... 5. I know I should stop collecting so many things, but.... 6. I know I shouldn't eat so much candy, but.... 7. I know I shouldn't talk so much, but... 8. I know I should hang up my clothes, but... 9. I know I should spend less time on facebook, but... 10. I know I should draw and paint more, but... This sounds like Letterman's top ten list and I can't wait to hear your response. I know I shouldn't nag you but....it's fun! He Said by Larry Oldham What I have heard all my life is: don't try to change the person you marry. There are many men in the world and I think that women as a whole should try and find just the right man to fit into their perfect lives. If you talk to 90% of the new brides around town, they will probably tell you that they found that man in their new husbands. As the old saying goes, love is blind. It definitely is blind going down the aisle to the wedding altar. A few years later, you find that new bride making a list of all the things he did or did not do-- as you can see by the current list that you have just handed me. I know I should answer each accusation.....but I won't. No, I will just defend my honor and all men's honor by saying one thing…maybe two. You knew all of these things before we were married. You either liked me because of all of these things, or you thought you could change me and help me to do the right thing. I know I am probably looking at this from only my perspective...but how else can I look at it? I know I should try and see it your way....but. You see where I am going with all these buts? I don't consider this nagging. I do consider this just some levity in your dull school teaching day. I know that you could really write what is bothering you ... but you don't want to air our dirty laundry in public. Excuse me, my dirty laundry. You keep all your clothes washed and ironed. I hate to rush off, but I have got to pick up my clothes at the laundry. I know I shouldn't have said that...but it's fun.

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